Counteracting all forms of violence and discrimination related to the experience of war, martial law, state of emergency, occupation.
Opening access to information, counselling and legal assistance; Psychological, psychotherapeutic and medical support for survivors of war trauma, especially sexual violence and torture.
Dissemination of research on transgenerational trauma.
Education on forms of violence related to armed conflict and ways to support people who experience it.
Advocacy for peace, human rights and equality.
Fostering social dialogue with public authorities, in particular with institutions at the state and local level dealing with issues related to counteracting violence, access to justice and medical care.Preserving the history of Central Europe as it relates to victims of sexual violence and torture and remembrance of the survivors, with a focus on Poland, Ukraine and Belarus.
Cooperation with Poland-based and international organisations in the scope of human rights; Building a forum for cooperation in working with survivors of war rape and torture.